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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / The post we were just discussing disappeared? I don't see the reason why it violated the rule, we were all trying to find the best words
    • Maybe it's deleted upon LZ's request.
      • I'm afraid not.
        • U meant someone file a complaint.......
          • I did not mean that,for I saw no snitch-bitch behind the issue.
    • I would like to take an issue with the moderator over the postings we put just now. Were those posts disagreeing the rules or regulations of this web forum?
      • Take it easy. What a wonderful place to play hide-and-seek!
        • 你上夜班?
          • 不好意思,俺不是上班拿钱发帖滴,是业余时间上肉联的。酱紫。
            • 误会了,我以为你上夜班~~你好象晚上才发贴 :D
              • 2 shifts
                • oops, 误会误会 :D
              • 是啊,晚上下了班才发帖,比不了这里的很多大侠,发帖也拿钱来着。。。。人艰不拆。
                • USD or CAD?
                  • bitcoin.
                  • USD vs CAD
                • It looks like they have ample funds, unlike us, they don't have any concern about layoff, even when US government shut down, they are pretty satisfied with their status quo, very much enjoy life in Canada and US
                  • 另一方面,也是因为我们更有责任感和使命感,为了个人的理想,家庭的幸福,人民的安居乐业,祖国的繁荣昌盛,生命不息,奋斗不止。。。。酱紫。
                    • 5 years ago, you were right, I even stood by your guys, but recent years, not sure your leaders hit the heads or something, often turn white into black, hijacked and abused the public opinions and lied to the public
              • 码神白天IT本职工作太忙,晚上常来看看我们就很高兴。
                • 嗯,很娱乐的说。
                • 不敢当。。。。看看这么多精彩纷呈的帖子,白天的劳累就烟消云散了。。。。我们劳动人民其实比老夜还辛苦滴。。。。
                  • 肉联是丑男人减压的好地方,也是美女们撒娇发嗲的好地方。
                    • 精屁。
                    • 也是男人撒娇的好地方 :D
                      • 是开心
                        • 呵呵,开心就好。
                        • 你在她地盘post这(#8956341@0),小心变烧鸭:D
                          • 米老鼠的mood swings是很典型的bipolar现象。
                            • 哪,你还敢惹她?
                              • 帮一把吗, 要不然会加重。
                                • 为了个人的理想,家庭的幸福,人民的安居乐业,祖国的繁荣昌盛,生命不息,奋斗不止。。。。酱紫。 -geekcode(文心雕码); 22:56 (#8956402@0) reply more
                                  • 让我们共同努力吧!
            • 赞补课1目10贴
        • high hand, high hand ya!