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混混姐简直是 perfect 啊~~~


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / [ 朗读练习 July 25 ] 交作业



    • 空间姐孜孜不倦,令人敬佩!
      • 谢谢。我更佩服酱油哥和英格妹妹的治学精神。他们的读音很棒!
        • 你不比他们差,比酱油哥还要好,因为你的声音有情感在里面,不做作。
          • 别故此气酱油哥了,我是三流的读音,争取读到/说到一流水平。他的声音比较理智,发音是没得可挑。
            • 他的发音很生硬,不流利自然,从音准上来讲也根本谈不上无可挑剔。是他自己说的中式英语,这个吗肌肉已经很难改了。
    • 很好听呀,北京老乡吧?
      • 我觉得是天津调儿的,可是我已经30年不说天津话了。北京出生,可是没有北京腔
        • 甭管哪人吧,读得很好呀,比我强多了!
    • 比上一次好多了,我上次提的问题基本上已经没有了。
      • 艾玛,你什么时候能不好为人师呢?
        • 你很有羡慕妒忌恨的嫌疑。 -softface(探长); 7.26 20:51 (#8897398@0)
          • 你? 还是当那谁的粉丝吧。
          • wincity(红卫兵),你再这样篡改俺的帖子,俺就注册几十个马甲在你的每个帖子后面把你骚扰女网友的dirty posts贴出!俺的原帖在此!:{ ——wincity(红卫兵)对老猫的"态度"就很有羡慕妒忌恨的嫌疑。 -softface(探长); 7.26 20:51 (#8897398@0) }
            • WHAT? 你被红卫兵蒙了.和我刚开始一样. -hotmoon(梵高的耳朵); 2012.1.15 00:09 (#7213030@0
              • 原来他是劣迹斑斑的啊!
    • 好。很自然,不造作,音色很好。听得出你是下过功夫的。继续努力,一定还能更上一层楼。
      • 你怎么也不提点建议呢?
        你的英文发音在男生里是最棒的,不容置疑。不要听别人说什么。关于语调,我听过美国斯坦福大学的教授的读音很平也是地道的英文,google CEO Eric 的调也很平,也是地道的。英文有很多种发音特色,这和人的生长环境有关也与性格有关。中文也一样,我的普通话我觉得认真读会很标准,但是与央视的那种风格格格不入,就不能说我的中文不够标准。(英文还差得太多)

        • 多谢直言。我一般从道德经中找答案。明天抽空细评你读的这段。it's a promise.
        • 空间姐虚怀若谷豁达宽容,但好像总有一丝不该有的自卑。如果你像有些人那样内心里坚定不移地认为自己是最棒的,无可匹敌,你的感觉会完全两样,因为你其实根本用不着那么计较自己的读音。另外monotone和英语地道完全不是一回事。
          • 为了攻击一两个网友而完全失去自我,句句都是违心,何苦?
            • 最误导人,隐患最大的一个ID就是红卫兵. -hotmoon(梵高的耳朵); 2012.1.1 17:14 (#7180630@0)
              • 你这下抓住了俺的要害。刺哥好像也批评过。 -wincity(红卫兵); 2.11 22:44 (#7280205@0)
              • 耳朵MM跟俺只是误会,早就化解了~~~网友们心明眼亮,你这样胡搅蛮缠只会 confuse 探长
                • 你就点火吧你!!好像兵哥过一阵就要被大家痛批一顿才安心。上次也是地。。。 -aibengbeng(abb); 2011.12.23 10:14 (#7166301@0)
            • wincity(红卫兵),你为了攻击一两个网友(如 老猫)而完全失去自我,不惜用(#8896668@0)自否自抽(#7831191@0),所为何来?
              • 赞认真精神!
                • 谢谢。
                  • 探长太没有悟性了~~~俺的两篇文章谈的完全是两码事
                    • 人家诡辩都还有点影子可以去靠,你的硬拗连影都没有。
          • 把我说你的话搬过来返还给我啦
    • 听了几遍,提点意见啊,个人看法哦,希望空间姐别介意

      hard - 读得像heard
      textbooks 读得像taxtbooks
      right out 断开了,可连读
      conversation sa咬字含糊
      heads 口型大了一点好像
      Wall 口型可再圆一点

      • Simply put it - vowel sound.
        • Don't be vague when you really want to help somebody. Be specific. It's proved that you are here just for fun.
          • Not at all. On a side note, it's proven, dear.
            • proved 更质朴,不做作
              • Yeah, you stopped learning English years ago. ....
                • 老刺只知道“proven”,却不知道“proved”也是对的而且是更正宗的,又闹个笑话
                  • Words should be used in the right place at the right time... WAY TO GO.
              • Agreed. Proven is usually an adjective (e.g., a proven formula), and proved is usually the inflected form of the verb prove (e.g., I proved it; I have proved it). "Proved" has longer history and is commonly used in British English
                , while "proven" in American English. Both are correct, but I personally like 'proved".
                • It takes you another 20years to have an intuition.....
                  • Obviously you didn't know that "proved" was perfectly correct. Sad for you dear...
                    • Words should be used in the right place at the right time... WAY TO GO. -redneck(Cracker); 13:25 (#8899556@0)
                  • 刺哥啊,好心提醒一下,你这个 intuition 用的不对
                    • Your words are worthless unless you write in English or upload your audio clip.
                    • 老刺想说instinct,可为了卖弄,在词典里挑了这么个词
                      • You won't even be a C student...
                      • 可能跟探长借的字典
                        • 你要俺把你骚扰 女ID 的 dirty posts 帖在你的每一个帖子后面吗???
                          • 明白了,兵哥根本没看到大局,只注意了他自已,他是井底的大雁 ! -hotmoon(梵高的耳朵); 5.3 18:03 (#8742902@0)
        • Well, I don't mean it is wrong. I don't know.
          I think "simply put, vowel sounds" sounds better.

          To me: simply put =~ put it simply =~ It can be simply put.

          Just my 2 cents. You don't have to agree. No ZA please. I am scared already.
          • I za
            Agree with you. Nice catch :)
            • I know, I know, you forgot a 'n' at the end
              Ha ha ha...
              • :D
                • 你讲粤语 -blankbliss(给我一个空间); 11:32 (#8899138@0)
                  • 莫要乱引用我的话啊
                    • LOL
            • 你们在说什么,我没看懂
              • .
                simply put, simply put it, put it simply, put it simple... or whatever
                • x100.
                • 有意见就提嘛.
                  • Not really. There are many ways to express one's opinion.
                    • Sure. I just thought you would express in a relatively mature way. My bad. Wrong assumption. :)
              • za加个n就是赞了嘛
      • 谢谢!其中有两个点我自己读完就知道错了。另外我读所有结尾带 “'l" 的单词总读不好,舌头卷不起来
        • 发L结尾音,舌尖顶上门齿根就好了,维持半秒。不需要卷舌。
          • 对。我最近好一些,但是还是读不对
          • Your audio please.
            • I wish I could share with you guys but I didn't want to expose my identity.
              • You may not even be able to speak...
                • Yes, that's my concern too.
                  • You are better than you think as you are not afraid to admit it at least. While BG is always in denial that he can't even speak.
                • reasonable doubt
                  universally applicable
                  • Or otherwise simply upload his/hers just like you me and many others did. What's the fear?
                    • :)
                    • Frankly, "otherwise" should be omitted.
                      • not really depending on your tone though.
                        • "though" should be omitted
                          • not really depending on your tone though. -redneck(Cracker); 15:32 (#8900033@0)
    • my recording 欢迎交流
      • 语速比较快,这是我想做而做不到的,很多人都能读快。从right 的 ” t " 音没有发出来看,你讲粤语
        • 我上海来的哈哈
      • 赞!提点意见啊,个人看法,别介意哦。好些词咬不清,爆破不全,不一一例举了吧。比较明显的两个是thoughtful(重音,爆破均失去)和complicated(重音没在com)。语速稍放慢点也许会有帮助。
        • 嗯 确实读快了。。。谢谢!
      • 不错!小朋友还不到20呢。找你的小伙伴去吧。很快这话题就会不是你关注的了。
        • 94? Does it mean that this young man was born that year?
          • Good eye, I didn't notice that actually. I said so only because in another post, he said he came 2 years ago and would turn 20 soon.
            • 后生可谓啊。现在国内的中学生比我们文革一代幸福太多啦。
              I have only one eye :-)
              • No, no, no. What I meant was even with one eye, you had better observation than I did.
                • No worries. I was just kidding.
      • 元音普遍没有发满
    • 鼓掌!我觉得比前一次的进步很明显。


      • 谢谢啊。原音的确需要纠正。语流因为我语言天分比较低,中文也同样,要慢慢地提高
        • 是元音吧?
    • 个别地方可能是为了强调美语有些夸张变形,比如kids读成[ki:ds],textbook读成taxbook。基本发音很清楚。声音很好听,特别是中文:)
      • 这两个问题要未来再解决了,因为目前还顾不上每个词的准确性。越发地觉得不容易。中文朗读啊,谢谢夸奖,有很多人都夸过,以前真不知道。有空时录几个中文聊天,放到中文网站上去,玩玩。
    • 不会评论,随便录了一下。作为参考。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Why Chinese Is So Damn Hard

      by David Moser
      University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies

      The first question any thoughtful person might ask when reading the title of this essay is, "Hard for whom?" A reasonable question. After all, Chinese people seem to learn it just fine. When little Chinese kids go through the "terrible twos", it's Chinese they use to drive their parents crazy, and in a few years the same kids are actually using those impossibly complicated Chinese characters to scribble love notes and shopping lists. So what do I mean by "hard"? Since I know at the outset that the whole tone of this document is going to involve a lot of whining and complaining, I may as well come right out and say exactly what I mean. I mean hard for me, a native English speaker trying to learn Chinese as an adult, going through the whole process with the textbooks, the tapes, the conversation partners, etc., the whole torturous rigmarole. I mean hard for me -- and, of course, for the many other Westerners who have spent years of their lives bashing their heads against the Great Wall of Chinese.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Excellent reading. Slow yet clear, smooth, good flow and intonation.
      • I love it! Thanks!
      • 我不会评别人的读音,还没到能听出问题的水平。这段的短句很清楚,听了就发现我自己的问题了(我的短句在后边的部分里是不太对的)。朗读是一功。
        • 你读的时候可以注意一下轻重缓急,重要的词和语义块要通过重读和停顿强调出来,这一点没有什么 rules,你可以随心所欲~~~混混姐这一段轻重缓急就处理的很好,可以作为样本
          • 谢谢。我得再练一段时间才有可能分辨,现在还糊涂着呢
          • Why don't you upload yours to set an example?
            • 混混姐的已经很 perfect 了。BTW,比你的还要好。
              • Didn't you know before? That's not the point though. Where is yours?
                • 你又猜错了。俺以前不知道。
                  • Too bad. Where is yours?
                    • for u
                      • You can't speak.
      • 哈,混混姐来了。好棒!

        • 谢谢夸奖。
      • 很好,有进步。
        • Where is yours?
        • 上不上个人选择嘛。不过,红脖这么关心你,你就从了吧。惊艳一把。要不,不管如何,我们不写大字报,只点赞!:)
          • X1000
          • 看在sister的面子,上!有几个词没读好,conversation partners,westerners,自己也不满意,没时间了,算了吧不重读了。欢迎提意见。
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Why Chinese Is So Damn Hard

            by David Moser
            University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies

            The first question any thoughtful person might ask when reading the title of this essay is, "Hard for whom?" A reasonable question. After all, Chinese people seem to learn it just fine. When little Chinese kids go through the "terrible twos", it's Chinese they use to drive their parents crazy, and in a few years the same kids are actually using those impossibly complicated Chinese characters to scribble love notes and shopping lists. So what do I mean by "hard"? Since I know at the outset that the whole tone of this document is going to involve a lot of whining and complaining, I may as well come right out and say exactly what I mean. I mean hard for me, a native English speaker trying to learn Chinese as an adult, going through the whole process with the textbooks, the tapes, the conversation partners, etc., the whole torturous rigmarole. I mean hard for me -- and, of course, for the many other Westerners who have spent years of their lives bashing their heads against the Great Wall of Chinese.

            http://vocaroo.com/i/s0c9SPJfP7HZ更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 11,正经不错涅。鼓掌!
            • Bravo! Now it's BG's turn!
            • +1 v5 x10
              hehehe, Not hard to keep my promise.

              Just one thing : 真不是小P孩啊? You exposed your identity partially. :) Thanks millions.
              • 还是小 P,但不是孩儿了。
                • Apparently BG is a coward.
                • I might be older than you too.
              • I might be older than you Sis. How old did my voice sound like?
                • It doesn't matter how your voice sounds. It matters you did share your reading with us. It is not bad after all. WAY TO GO! Now it's BG's turn.
                • let's just say: you sounded mature ... but wait...
                  I made a mistake. One could be a lot younger than he/she sounds. Why don't you give a hint...
                  • I am probably at the same age of hunhun...
                    • 谁像你那么老。我才 40 岁。
                      • 你得叫我哥
                        • 11,就这,就想收拾我了,切。
                          • 《心路历程》啊
                        • A year younger than my nephew..
            • 楼上的给点意见嘛,还有那些可以改进的地方?
              • Ask Redneck.
                I am sure he will be happy to share his insights.
                • I doubt redneck has any insights. He's only got insults.
                  • You just don't have the guts to upload yours as you may not be able to speak.
                • Hi Sis, you promised you'd share another 工科audio. I've been waiting for a long time...
                  • Let's just say I failed.
                    • Failure shouldn't be a word in your dictionary!
                      • Unfortunately it is... And.. It is the mother of .... haha..
                        • Still I won't put you into the same category as BG. He just can't speak.
                          • what categories you have? Sounds interesting.
                            • Can't write nor speak but loves being the judge.
                    • That's OK. Anything else is good.
                      • fine.
                        don't forget 'n' again. hahaha....
                        • Beautiful. Listening to your reading is an enjoyment. I loved it :)
                          • Thanks, bro. Don't be pressured to say nice things :). Also a friendly reminder to share with you.
                            none of us are native speakers, nor native listeners. So be open to any comments, but use your own discretion and consult your native colleagues/teachers as needed.
                            • Definitely. Be open-minded, always... :)
                        • Come on it is not a 工科 audio clip.
                          But very good of course.
                          • Oh, I was responding to "anything else" part in his request.
                            And as an "authentic" "gong ke", there is no need for me to prove it by an audio clip. :)
                            • OK you may show us the bridges / roads/ buildings you have designed / built.
                              ha ha ha
                              • I designed/built
                                none. Is that the only "gong ke" field? I am confused.
                                • Yes. Of course
                                  it's my deliberate manipulation.
                        • 很好,很流畅,不会像你们那样专业的评价。她没有吞音,每个音节都挺清晰,我吞,我觉得我有点大舌头。:((
              • .

                1. 句尾降调掌握不好。该酱的地方要酱。
                2. T 的发音痕迹太重。
                3. 柔度有余,硬度不足。气场较小。
                • 好。多谢啊
                  • 我不怎么关心每个字怎么读,更多是连贯性和通常性,让我听着是否舒坦的赶脚。
                    • 别说英语,我读汉语有些字都读不清,就是你说的“硬度不够”。
                      • 别砸啊。其实我觉得
                        • 嗯,我出 3 两,他出 4 两,你们加点胡椒,大料,香油 ... 就成了。
                          • 就这么定了!
                            • Don't forget me when the delicious dish is ready.
              • Overall good reading - smooth with good flow and intonation. More work could be done on sound clarity overall , some intonations and vowels.
                Words / phrases you may consider reading them clearly / correctly:

                go through
                they use to
                scribble love notes
                come right out
                whole torturous rigmarole
                • Nice feedback. Actually when I listened to my voice I realized same. Since high school I haven't done any work on reading. It's the first time I taped my own voice... it sounds different to me. Anyways, hope you guys had fun.
                  • I enjoy it indeed and I am sure the rest would have the same feeling.
                    I didn't have the chance to learn English until university.
                    • longer than my days of English learning still
                      • Since early 1978. Like David Moser said in his writing learning a foreign language as an adult is much more difficult.
                        I was 24yrs old then.
                        • no wonder
                          • No wonder WHAT?
            • Great job over all. Just a few words need to be fine tuned, which you are already aware of.
              • Thank you brother. You are the best.
            • 蒲公英不是美眉呀!
              • Perception won't change anyways.
              • 怎么搞的,为什么人们会这么看?
                • no worries. perceptions are distorted often times. they become illusions if not adjusted based on what's been seen and heard.
                  • OK. It sounds I need to share more stuff... later, I will do better. :)
                    • Please do. You are better than you think.
            • 太好了,比刺哥的还要好,难怪探长嫉妒
              • 过奖了。你说要贴音频,怎么没见呢?肉联当掉了不会跟你的音频有关吧?
                • YOU BET。
                  • 早上我就猜,难道是探长?居然能把肉联搞s,不会呀,只有挨踢大拿才有这水平呀,
                • Ok one of many lies (#8902065@0) (#8903048@0) it turned out nothing. -redneck(Cracker); 13:22 (#8903900@0)
                  • 这么说BG已经录好了而且传到油管了,手里捏着link就是不公布,目的是急s某些人?这是什么样的行为?!
              • 俺可真的是嫉妒Redneck的英语之韵味啊!
                • 本坛俺听过的,啥Redneck便无他。
      • 混混姐简直是 perfect 啊~~~
    • 仅就发音而言,楼主如果对以下单词的读音下下功夫,则会更上一层楼:
      Thoughtful: ou, 没发准。
      Essay: e,
      Hard: ar。你读的像heard
      Scribble: i
      Just: not "ta"
      Complicated: 重音应在com
      Textbook: e:
      Conversation: s , not "z"
      Great: ea, 音 ei, 口型再宽点。
      Wall: al , 舌尖要顶上颚,不需用力,点到即可。

      • 非常感谢!当然看得懂。感谢这么详细的解说。也感谢楼上的各位真心的交流与指教。我会在下边仔细听听自己的发音,纠正起来还需要一段时间
    • 没有人评评老外的这篇论文写得怎样。开始我还觉得语气过重,后来觉得实在是脍炙人口,因为我们学英语也一肚子苦水。当然了,王渊源作为美国土生土长人学汉语能学得那么地道,的确比我们学英语难。
      • 作为学者,写的一般。
        • 就是。我没看全啊。看了读的第一段,怎么能拿2岁娃说事呢?弄一个洋娃娃去中国住,学的也很快。
    • 又录了一次 再求指点 要是大家不提元音我还没注意到这个大问题哈哈 放慢了很多很多0 0
      • 好多了,但是元音发不满的倾向还是有,以后要留意。元音不发满很影响理解,你上次很难懂,这一次好多了。
        • 还是练练听力吧你。人家语感还是不错的, 谁没有小毛病啊。你上一个试试, 别当裁判空喊口号, 看看你的元音怎么样。
          • 刺哥就是羡慕嫉妒恨。网友的音频,俺每一个都能给出一针见血的点评,包括混混姐(以前)的。你就没有这个能力,所以就追着俺挑衅,哈哈哈
            • 一句英语都说不了, 还是别卖瓜啦。臭美还得捡个地方啊, 你就是不会说英语, 更不敢上音频。
              • 想让俺上音频很容易,只要你说服探长就行~~~探长不上,你千言万语也是白搭
                • 这跟探长有何干系? 我让你上的, 可你没胆量。怕出丑是不是? 至于吗? 最多上你偶像损你两句, 怕什么?
            • 你快省省吧。部级以上干部都是您点化呢?
              • 兵哥除了脸皮厚哪儿都薄
      • 不错,孩子。一点个人看法,你过于追求鼻腔共鸣了,听起来刻意了。再自然些会更好些。发声方法是锦上添花,把音发好了还是基础。
        • 谢谢!以前刚开始学英语,都是模仿英语播音、朗诵腔,被同学说sounds so formal 哈哈
    • 我也凑个热闹,以前没有刻意练过发音,所以. 问题可能比较多, 想知道最需要纠正的问题是什么. 求指教.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Why Chinese Is So Damn Hard

      by David Moser
      University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies

      The first question any thoughtful person might ask when reading the title of this essay is, "Hard for whom?" A reasonable question. After all, Chinese people seem to learn it just fine. When little Chinese kids go through the "terrible twos", it's Chinese they use to drive their parents crazy, and in a few years the same kids are actually using those impossibly complicated Chinese characters to scribble love notes and shopping lists. So what do I mean by "hard"? Since I know at the outset that the whole tone of this document is going to involve a lot of whining and complaining, I may as well come right out and say exactly what I mean. I mean hard for me, a native English speaker trying to learn Chinese as an adult, going through the whole process with the textbooks, the tapes, the conversation partners, etc., the whole torturous rigmarole. I mean hard for me -- and, of course, for the many other Westerners who have spent years of their lives bashing their heads against the Great Wall of Chinese.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 好象挺好的?噪音太大。没法听。
        • MIC的问题?回头有时间再找个试试。
      • 我要说了,你受得了吗?
        • 说就说呗,不带这么吓人的。既然敢贴出来就不怕别人说, 知道问题是什么了也好改正不是?!
          • 哦,就吓唬一下你。遁了。
            • 别,求你了, 给点意见,不能你自己进步了,不让别人进步啊! 说说怎么提高吧!
              • 那我就不客气了。吼吼。


                • 友情提示,BG今晚要上英语视频,敬请关注。should be TO JUDGE. I'll do it when I get home. You can watch and learn. -wincity(红卫兵); 12:58 (#8902065@0)
                  • 谢谢。接被吓掉汗毛的大盆准备好了。
                    • 哈!有时间我来围观。
                • 咦?混混姐啥时说话变得这么小心翼翼。大跌眼镜。
                  • 得分对手啊,哈哈。
                    • 有道理!
                      • 我一般是看到很不顺眼的,才会砸。一般不顺眼的,都能忍得住,或者略过。当然个别不顺眼的,砸了对方,对方变本加厉,就不能放手了,得一直砸。
                • 就是不知道怎么连贯性好点,我自己也发现这个问题了。 回头再试试。
                  • 象说话那样?
                  • 我想了你的问题,能考虑出来的办法是:1. 先迅速默读全文,了解大意。2. 不知道你使用英语的时候是全部用英文思考还是用中文再英文?如果是后者,无法,就是时间/熟练。3. 句子和句子间的 PAUSE 加长,给自己缓冲的时间。
                    • 意思知道,思考也应该是英文的, 可能是考虑发音过多, 怕读不好, 所以就读不好. 那我就综合你们两个人的意见, 尽量像说话一样, 然后中间停顿长些. 喘口气.
                      • 我的想法,和这里绝大多数的肉友不一样。我不注重每个字的发音。我读的时候,就好像初中课上被叫到读一段似的。还有就是我老了,别人的评价,除了建设性的意见和建议,其他的对我意义不大了,所以不紧张。FYI。
                        • 你都老了,让我还怎么活呢?! 你读得很好听, 想学也学不来. 偶像
      • 老实讲,问题是不少。发音方面有相当多的错误。没时间一一列举。但有一样是可以立竿见影的, 发声的时候再放开些,口型要到位,不到位是不可能把元音发满的。有兴趣的话,按我说的再读一遍,即使发音水平不变,听上去也会好很多。
        • 只有我一个人觉得噪音大?我觉得都是噪音,很难坚持听下去。
          • 背景噪音是很大,但内容还是能听清。真不知那么大的噪音是怎么产生的。
        • 好,记住了,不过怎么才能到位呢?
          • 兵哥 (wincity) 今晚要示范,请请关注。
            • 正导帝 ... 拭目以待 ... 激将法 ... 就好使了 ... ?
              • 苦菜花儿都上了, 他好意思不上吗?
                • 啧啧,不是还有探长嘛。
                  • 那就要看兵哥的了。
      • 很好,相当好,抑扬顿挫轻重缓急都不错。好几个元音没有发满,这个问题纠正了,就完美了。
        • 谢谢鼓励, 希望再练练能够入耳. 以后要多注意发音和语音语调. 尤其是元音的掌握.
          • 你的朗读风格很像老猫,犯的错误也像,整体水平比老猫还要高,但是老猫说他不用提高了,他很自豪
            • 吱吱,正导帝无与伦比。
      • 不要被楼上的评论打击了,你读的相当地好,元音是唯一问题。比如 scribble 里的 i,might 里的 i,drag 里的 a,kids 里的 i,等等。
    • 国语很好听的说
      • 不要被声音所惑
        • This video is private.
          • 现在可以了
            • 声情并茂,感人至深。你是用心在朗诵,不像是一片优美的散文, 更像是一首让人心醉心碎的情诗。
              • 你总是口是心非。我直言不讳的个性,很容易伤人
                • 我阅人无数,比你想象的要睿智,比酱油哥污蔑的要肮脏。我刀枪不入, 谁也伤不了我。
            • 声音柔美,就是太忧伤了点儿。
        • 听得出你对再别康桥发自内心的理解~~~有自己的心声有自己的故事吧?声音里饱含一缕挥之不去的淡淡忧伤,相片虽小但看出是气质美女一枚哦。
          • 不要被一张照片所迷惑,人们贴出来的往往是精选过的,不是真实的自我
            • 你谦虚呢:-)不光照片,声音也会透露人的气质:-)得闪了,冒泡都冒到这个坛子里了,似乎我聊得都跟英语无关咯。
              • 没关系啊,肉烂在锅里。我在心坛里曾经贴过很多散文随笔,在枫下部落里也还有存档,名为”失去的想象“,有兴趣可以去读读,消遣解闷,或许更闷
                • 哦,好的,有空拜读去~~~
        • 谢谢分享好诗好音色。你说两年岁月如刀~~~允许我也感慨一下吧,你的再别康桥一下子把我拽回20年前的大学舞台,我朗诵的也是再别康桥,配乐的是全班同学的哼唱海上花...大学毕业挥手道别,没人能带走那座城市的一片云彩~~~如今天涯海角的人生迥异,岁月悠悠。
          • 你来一段吧。再怀旧,我就要哭啦~~
            • 别,别哭,那咱就别怀旧啦。罗嗦一句,你的语音有天津人的说话味儿,生活中我特喜欢天津人说事情,平常的一件事情总被说的那个“有滋有味儿”的。
        • 你是不是以前贴过这个视频或者音频?我绝对听过这个声音。
          • yes. 在 “心情随笔”栏目里,已经快一年没心情写随笔了。 又翻出来。2013.4.27 23:15 (376 bytes. #8174651)但愿有一天能用英文去写感受,目前需要的是练英语朗读和口语表达,要学的太多,却已老矣
        • 感觉有些伤感啊,口音很好听。
    • 听大家的意见后重新录了下, 看有没有点立竿见影的改进。 谢谢指教!可能有点大舌头了。一下改起来还真不容易。 一点点来吧。
      • 好像还不如上一篇 :(
        • 想改改元音的发音。看来还是基本功不行啊, 还得慢慢来。
          • 别听他胡扯,他一句英语都说不了。你这次比上次有进步,但要有质的飞跃还需要努力和时间。
            • 谢谢鼓励,希望一点点进步!