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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 跑步时"岔气"了怎么说?踩高橇怎么说?
    • “岔了气儿了” 用唐山话说,可像英语的调调了。lol
    • Side stitch (岔气,急性胸肋痛)。高橇, stilts。 踩高橇, walk on stilts。
      • Side stitch (also called side ache, side cramp, side crampie, side sticker or simply stitch) is an intense stabbing pain under the lower edge of the ribcage that occurs while exercising.
        • It is also referred to as exercise related transient abdominal pain (ETAP).
          • 什么字典这么好?
            • 兵哥,我不知道就干脆不发言, 我为知道的人高兴而不是嫉妒。
              • 刺哥心态很不端正啊~~~俺这两天正想找一本好字典,正好遇到这位精通字典的网友,故有此一问
                • Continue to write in English spontaneously. I am certain that you will prove yourself.
            • I often exercise, sometimes i have stitch myself. I know the name of this illness. Did you? Or Do you?
              • Don't be too harsh on him. He is changing and he did write a few sentences in English today. Give him some time. He will do better for sure.
                • No, I won't be strict with him.
      • 谢谢
        • You‘re welcome.
    • a+p=?animal 呢?