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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

学习英语要看这个,第一次看让我笑掉了肚皮,后来再看不免替Rick Perry可惜,现在看不得不给Rick一些credit,当主持人问他第三个agency是否就是EPA时,他诚实的说不。不过Presidential debate时,对手是Obama,无论如何不能oops的


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 学习英语要看这个,第一次看让我笑掉了肚皮,后来再看不免替Rick Perry可惜,现在看不得不给Rick一些credit,当主持人问他第三个agency是否就是EPA时,他诚实的说不。不过Presidential debate时,对手是Obama,无论如何不能oops的
    • em........how to 笑掉了肚皮?
      • 我上大学的时候有时候俩月洗一次澡,一笑也掉肚皮。
    • He has basically lost... Very masculine guy with an IQ below an ordinary woman.
      • why not an ordinary "man" ? women's average IQ is higher, right?
        • 哈哈哈哈! But I will leave you alone
          at least for now.
    • I wouldn't take any credit off him for that -- after all, he's running for president, not bureaucrat. In fact, people may even give him credit for being honest and personable.
      • Of course. For his fading memory and inability to remember his campaign platform.