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If you feel comfortable with the following sounds, you don't bother to ask for help. But if you think you have difficulites pronouncing them, that's where I can help with.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛" Some observations on English pronounciation "

The following is relevant with American accent.

1) Why do English-speaking people have much more facial expression when they talk? You might think they are too emotional. But, related to the nature of English pronunciation. Comparing Chinese to English.
2) Vowels, including a, e, i, o, u must be stressed
3) Consonants: keep in mind ‘d’, ‘t’, ‘k’, ’p’, ‘g’,’m’, and ‘n’ at the end of word. E.g. bag, back, green, column. Aime;bime,cime, dime,fime;hime; (substitute p, t, k, g for m)
4) 儿子: word, floor, bird, birthday, work
5) Pronunciation, intonation, and fluency
6) 2 songs, 2 conversations for the intonation purpose
7) Talk to yourself, don’t always study. APPLY what you’ve learnt. Sense Ping-Pong

1) Can VS cannot (emphasize on ‘t’)
2) Couldn’t
3) Book VS Luke e.g. book, look, cook
4) (Keep and need), sweet, feed VS fade e.g. key vs ‘K’, a sheet of paper VS boshit
5) Bit VS bait. E.g. river; English
6) Pass VS bother e.g. gather and Micro VS Macro
7) Cool (Ku:l), and school, nofrill. Also, compared ‘oo’ in ‘cool’ to that in ‘book’ (buk)
8) Lunch VS Launch. love
9) Think VS kitchen sink; e.g. there and brother, father (bite your tongue, please J)
Think VS this, that, these, those. Cloth VS clothe (open syllable, and close syllable)
10) New York and word
11) World
12) China and media VS idea
13) Strategy ‘te’, ‘gy’; Toronto; city; university; water
14) Bike VS back
15) My mind
16) Good
17) Perfect, prefer ‘c’ and ‘pre’ in the second word
18) Excuse me
19) Because (Canadian variance)
20) My --- Micro
21) +S, nasal and non-nasal relation, e.g. maps, cooks, and bags , computers.
Plus, ‘stressed’ vs ‘bagged’

I can do it
I cannoT do it !!! J
I couldn’t find it
Beet, bit, bait, bet, bat, but. Keyboard, One coin, one corn
Toronto, tomato, potato
City, twenty, pity, ability
University of Toronto is near College Street; union: onion: opinion
I love this cat
I say she says…
Thanks, I think that’s a very good idea
I will help you make a big difference
2 mouths: is this your pen? Think if you can still form a full /th/ sound as usual when you speak soooooo fast. :)

a sentence : hi, Carol, he didn't see the sign.


not that much though! If you can properly pronounce them, and plus your personal perseverance, you will improve your accent a lot.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / English / 老板对我的工作(财务)十分满意,唯一要求提高英语,主要是听说和发音。让我去找英语课程,他出钱。请问各位有好的课程推荐吗?(网上课程也行), 谢了。
    • 我也被要求提高英语,侧重说和写, 发音也很重要。如果你有什么相关课程或培训的信息,麻烦告诉我好吗?多谢!
    • 老板对我的工作(财务)十分满意,我让他天天晚上补习普通话,我要求他侧重说和写, 发音也很重要
    • 做女人真好,老板器重。。
      • 什么意思?
        • 我觉得,从字面理解,意思应该是说,如果他是一女的,现在就应该混得很好吧。
          • 你说的没有错误。。
    • 我现在在上ETL,公司给的计划,给一些英文是第二母语的人.为期三个月.老师每星期过来跟我们一对一的教一个小时.我自己觉得很有用.如果你有兴趣,我可以先跟我老师谈谈看.老师是本地人.
      • 我很感兴趣,能告诉我您的老师的联系方式吗?因为我的情况和需要与别人稍有不同,如果能跟您先聊聊最好。多谢!
        • May I have the information also? Thanks
        • 我要下周二见到老师跟她打声招呼才可以给大家信息。如果你有兴趣,可以PM我,我给你打过去。
      • I want to know the information too, can you please share more information?
      • Can you give me some information too, 我的英语现处于瓶颈阶段, need some help too,thanks
    • 我觉得看SitCom是提高听说和发音的最佳途径:选一部自己最喜欢的(兴趣是学习的动力),用BT下载剧集反复看,剧本反复研读,mp3反复听. 我有Friends的全部剧集,剧本和mp3, 盯住一部即可,宁精勿滥。
      • 请问, 网上能下载friends 吗, 能给个链接吗?
      • 能提供网址吗?
        • 搜索"Friends"
    • Tell your boss, Beijing Xin Dong Fang is the best.... then you'd get a chance to visit China
    • I can help with your pronunciation.
      if you are interested in my offer, drop me a line at :
      (i've helped more than 30 ppl with their pronunciation problems. You won't regret for your money and time)
      • Could you please send me your information to chinatiger@hotmail.com
        • If you feel comfortable with the following sounds, you don't bother to ask for help. But if you think you have difficulites pronouncing them, that's where I can help with.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛" Some observations on English pronounciation "

          The following is relevant with American accent.

          1) Why do English-speaking people have much more facial expression when they talk? You might think they are too emotional. But, related to the nature of English pronunciation. Comparing Chinese to English.
          2) Vowels, including a, e, i, o, u must be stressed
          3) Consonants: keep in mind ‘d’, ‘t’, ‘k’, ’p’, ‘g’,’m’, and ‘n’ at the end of word. E.g. bag, back, green, column. Aime;bime,cime, dime,fime;hime; (substitute p, t, k, g for m)
          4) 儿子: word, floor, bird, birthday, work
          5) Pronunciation, intonation, and fluency
          6) 2 songs, 2 conversations for the intonation purpose
          7) Talk to yourself, don’t always study. APPLY what you’ve learnt. Sense Ping-Pong

          1) Can VS cannot (emphasize on ‘t’)
          2) Couldn’t
          3) Book VS Luke e.g. book, look, cook
          4) (Keep and need), sweet, feed VS fade e.g. key vs ‘K’, a sheet of paper VS boshit
          5) Bit VS bait. E.g. river; English
          6) Pass VS bother e.g. gather and Micro VS Macro
          7) Cool (Ku:l), and school, nofrill. Also, compared ‘oo’ in ‘cool’ to that in ‘book’ (buk)
          8) Lunch VS Launch. love
          9) Think VS kitchen sink; e.g. there and brother, father (bite your tongue, please J)
          Think VS this, that, these, those. Cloth VS clothe (open syllable, and close syllable)
          10) New York and word
          11) World
          12) China and media VS idea
          13) Strategy ‘te’, ‘gy’; Toronto; city; university; water
          14) Bike VS back
          15) My mind
          16) Good
          17) Perfect, prefer ‘c’ and ‘pre’ in the second word
          18) Excuse me
          19) Because (Canadian variance)
          20) My --- Micro
          21) +S, nasal and non-nasal relation, e.g. maps, cooks, and bags , computers.
          Plus, ‘stressed’ vs ‘bagged’

          I can do it
          I cannoT do it !!! J
          I couldn’t find it
          Beet, bit, bait, bet, bat, but. Keyboard, One coin, one corn
          Toronto, tomato, potato
          City, twenty, pity, ability
          University of Toronto is near College Street; union: onion: opinion
          I love this cat
          I say she says…
          Thanks, I think that’s a very good idea
          I will help you make a big difference
          2 mouths: is this your pen? Think if you can still form a full /th/ sound as usual when you speak soooooo fast. :)

          a sentence : hi, Carol, he didn't see the sign.


          not that much though! If you can properly pronounce them, and plus your personal perseverance, you will improve your accent a lot.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Hi Frank. Can you give me your phone number so that I can tell whether your pronunciation is the level that I want to achieve.
            I don't mind spending money in improving English, but I want to make sure I am not wasting money either.
            • Of course, I can. Please check out your personal message. TTYL
              check out your personal message.
    • 我(财务)对老板的工作十分满意,唯一要求提高汉语,主要是听说和发音。让他去找汉语课程,他出钱。请问各位有好的课程推荐吗?(网上课程也行), 谢了。