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word of the day, maelstrom \MAYL-strum\, noun: 1. A large, powerful, or violent whirlpool. 2. Something resembling a maelstrom; a violent, disordered, or turbulent state of affairs; as, a maelstrom of vice.

The murk became thicker as Zachareesi fishtailed his canoe through a swirling maelstrom of currents pouring past, and over, unseen rocks.
--Farley Mowat, The Farfarers

Always at the center of a maelstrom of activity and contention, he provided good columns for the press.
--Arthur Lennig, Stroheim

Suddenly, the Serb cause was thrust into the maelstrom of the Napoleonic Wars.
--Misha Glenny, The Balkans

Like Captain Ahab, the monomaniacal Harmon draws everyone around him into a maelstrom of trouble.
--John Motyka, review of The Dogs of Winter, by Kem Nunn, New York Times, March 23, 1997