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Mencius’s Mother Moves House Three Times

Mencius’s Mother Moves House Three Times

Mencius was born in the state of Tsou during the Warring States Period in 371 bc. When he was very small, he and his mother lived next door to agraveyard. Naturally Mencius and the neighbouring children played at funeral rites. Seeing this, Mencius’s mother thought, ‘The boy mustn’t be allowed to stay here.’ So she moved into the city.

In the city Mencius and the neighbourhood children played at businessand trade. Making misrepresentations and exaggerated claims, theymimicked salesmen doing business with customers. ‘This will never do,’his mother thought. ‘We’ll have to move again.’

The third time, she moved next to a school. There things weredifferent; now Mencius learned etiquette and manner. He and the other children played at being orderly and polite. ‘Now this is the right kind of place for my boy,’ his mother said to herself.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / English / 哪位朋友可以给我用英语讲讲"孟母三迁"和"子不学断机shu" 这两个典故呀?先谢谢各位.我有急用.
    • 子不学,断脊柱;教不严,四肢剁...
      • 万恶的奴隶社会.
    • Mencius’s Mother Moves House Three Times
      Mencius’s Mother Moves House Three Times

      Mencius was born in the state of Tsou during the Warring States Period in 371 bc. When he was very small, he and his mother lived next door to agraveyard. Naturally Mencius and the neighbouring children played at funeral rites. Seeing this, Mencius’s mother thought, ‘The boy mustn’t be allowed to stay here.’ So she moved into the city.

      In the city Mencius and the neighbourhood children played at businessand trade. Making misrepresentations and exaggerated claims, theymimicked salesmen doing business with customers. ‘This will never do,’his mother thought. ‘We’ll have to move again.’

      The third time, she moved next to a school. There things weredifferent; now Mencius learned etiquette and manner. He and the other children played at being orderly and polite. ‘Now this is the right kind of place for my boy,’ his mother said to herself.
      • Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!! You are so knowledgeble. Thanks.
        • House can't be moved. It's typical Chinese English.
    • 子不学 断机杼(zhu4)
      • 谢谢,就是想不起来这字怎么写了,英语没学好,中文也退步了.
    • 我说说吧
      孟子的母亲对孟子要求狠严,家的邻居小孩不好,孟 母就搬家,直到邻居小孩都是好小孩才不搬家了。对孟子关心,怕交友不慎,影响一生。子不学 断机杼的意思就是说,男人不学习,就好象织布机停止了一样,白费了,前功尽弃了。