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美国 JP Morgan Chase Jamie Dimon, 公开支持马斯克的治国理念,难得,难得,难得。

Speaking at the India Investor Summit, JPMorgan Chase CEO praised Elon’s idea to reduce U.S government wastage and bureaucracy:

“So Elon, this idea about having an efficiency commission, I actually like the idea. 

I think governments have to become more efficient, more competent, and look at when they take money, what do they get for it?

I actually think it’s a very good idea.”

Source: NY Post


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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 美国 JP Morgan Chase Jamie Dimon, 公开支持马斯克的治国理念,难得,难得,难得。

    Speaking at the India Investor Summit, JPMorgan Chase CEO praised Elon’s idea to reduce U.S government wastage and bureaucracy:

    “So Elon, this idea about having an efficiency commission, I actually like the idea. 

    I think governments have to become more efficient, more competent, and look at when they take money, what do they get for it?

    I actually think it’s a very good idea.”

    Source: NY Post


    • 马斯克现在主攻治国,年龄也不小了,很难复制他在科技远见上的成功。
      • 他的老师Larry Ellison80岁。头脑依然清晰。
    • 这是扭曲大佬的原意。这类大佬通常不“干政”,他也没有为马斯克的所谓”治国理念“背书,他只不过是赞同了马斯克的一项提议而已。
      • 这项提议就是马斯克的“治国理念”,而且是很重要的一项,这就是为马斯克“治国理念”背书
        • 削减开支/债务只是美国未来领袖要面临的诸多课题之一,而且还不一定是最重要的课题。仅此一项,很难就说是”治国理念“。
          • jp指的是马斯克要成立一个什么“美国政府开支效率委员会”,监督政府开支运作,jp支持的是马斯克这个提议
    • 资本家只要是不傻(傻的也挣不了那么多钱),不坏(不被DS绑架做各种毁灭社会的操作),没有谁会看不出提高政府效率是在切切实实帮助他们更好地挣钱。