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if you’ve done professional presentations for important occasions,

whether it’s academic or business, you know how much time it requires to prepare for. This includes generating a list of anticipated questions, which might be asked in different ways. For a presidential debate, the topics that are expected to be covered are not that hard to foresee. Immigration, borders, inflation, jobs, crime rate, Roe v Wade, J6, past policy legacies or failures … really not that hard to imagine. Again the question can be asked in different ways. But a good preparation can largely make sure the delivery of good answers. Also in a debate like this, you would need to have tactics to attack or bait your opponent. This is called preparation. In my opinion trump was not well prepared. Harris was. For this the blame is on Trump himself.
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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 三笑已经有63天没有举行记者招待会了。为什么呢,因为她无法事先得到问题和答案? +3
    • 总比胡说八道强 +2
      • 沉没是金
        • 匿名洗地🤣 +1
        • 越想要越不给,不服就辩论(实际上,贺锦丽这是作死,可trump就是这么不顶事,死活不敢)
          • 那个ABC辩论哪是什么辩论,就是三笑在两个主持人的掩护下背答案😂 +4
            • 你不是懂王吗,无论任何地点,任何topic,没问题。
            • if you’ve done professional presentations for important occasions,
              whether it’s academic or business, you know how much time it requires to prepare for. This includes generating a list of anticipated questions, which might be asked in different ways. For a presidential debate, the topics that are expected to be covered are not that hard to foresee. Immigration, borders, inflation, jobs, crime rate, Roe v Wade, J6, past policy legacies or failures … really not that hard to imagine. Again the question can be asked in different ways. But a good preparation can largely make sure the delivery of good answers. Also in a debate like this, you would need to have tactics to attack or bait your opponent. This is called preparation. In my opinion trump was not well prepared. Harris was. For this the blame is on Trump himself.
              • 说得很好。trump就是太随意了,又没有底蕴去支撑这种随意,所以各种的打脸,闹笑话在所难免
                • 贺锦丽闭门准备了5天,还要作弊,规定主持人不能问某些问题,不能对她fact check,还要求主持人必须对川普fact check。 +2
                  • 你不是王吗,还怕fact check。早知那么矫情,就别说大话,事后变成祥林嫂了
    • 你可真上心,每天扳着手指头算日子吗? 难道民主灯塔国的未来取决于一个人吗? +1
      • 老川说以色列的存亡取决于他
    • 无德无能的人,没有经过民主投票选举的人,党内非法,国内更非法。 +2
      • 我们有不少同志,就是迷信宪法,以为宪法就是治国安邦的灵丹妙药,企图把党置于宪法约束之下。 我从来不相信法律,更不相信宪法,我就是要破除这种宪法迷信。
    • 三笑上综艺节目
    • 搞了半天三笑姐接受采访还是有提词器的啊! +1
      • 三笑如果开记者招待会上,不知道记者们会问什么问题,也就没办法使用提词器了。 +1
    • 三笑不是大姨妈,三个月两个月不见面都没问题。
      • 姨母,又称姨妈,是亲属关系称谓,指母亲的姊姊或妹妹,又称为姨姨或姨娘。
        • 大姨妈在中国跟小姐, 同志, 老师一样,已经变了