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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Pet Shop Boys - Go West



Together, we will go our way
Together, we will leave someday
Together, your hand in my hands
Together, we will make our plans
Together, we will fly so high
Together, tell all our friends goodbye
Together, we will start life new
Together, this is what we'll do

life is peaceful there
Go west, in the open air
Go west, where the skies are blue
Go west, this is what we're gonna do

we will love the beach
Together, we will learn and teach
Together, change our pace of life
Together, we will work and strive

I know you love me
how could I disagree?
So that's why I make no protest
When you say you will do the rest
life is peaceful there

Go west, in the open air
Go west, baby you and me
Go west, this is our destiny
Go west, sun in wintertime
Go west, we will do just fine
Go west, where the skies are blue
Go west, this is what we're gonna do

There where the air is free
We'll be what we want to be
Now if we make a stand
We'll find our promised land
there are many ways
To live there in the sun or shade

Together, we will find a place
To settle where there's so much space
Without rush and the pace back east
The hustling rustling just to feed
I know I'm ready to leave too
So that's what we are gonna do

Pet Shop Boys - Go West (Un disco per l'estate 1994)
Italian TV Show (Rai Uno)#PetShopBoys#GoWest#UnDiscoPerlEstate#PetShopBoysGoWest

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 最近看几位肉友抱怨的帖子,待时间长了,看的多了,难免牢骚满腹,但是俺从来没有后悔自己的决定,和各位肉友分享一老歌,正体现了当年年轻时候的心境。 +2

    Pet Shop Boys - Go West



    Together, we will go our way
    Together, we will leave someday
    Together, your hand in my hands
    Together, we will make our plans
    Together, we will fly so high
    Together, tell all our friends goodbye
    Together, we will start life new
    Together, this is what we'll do

    life is peaceful there
    Go west, in the open air
    Go west, where the skies are blue
    Go west, this is what we're gonna do

    we will love the beach
    Together, we will learn and teach
    Together, change our pace of life
    Together, we will work and strive

    I know you love me
    how could I disagree?
    So that's why I make no protest
    When you say you will do the rest
    life is peaceful there

    Go west, in the open air
    Go west, baby you and me
    Go west, this is our destiny
    Go west, sun in wintertime
    Go west, we will do just fine
    Go west, where the skies are blue
    Go west, this is what we're gonna do

    There where the air is free
    We'll be what we want to be
    Now if we make a stand
    We'll find our promised land
    there are many ways
    To live there in the sun or shade

    Together, we will find a place
    To settle where there's so much space
    Without rush and the pace back east
    The hustling rustling just to feed
    I know I'm ready to leave too
    So that's what we are gonna do

    Pet Shop Boys - Go West (Un disco per l'estate 1994)
    Italian TV Show (Rai Uno)#PetShopBoys#GoWest#UnDiscoPerlEstate#PetShopBoysGoWest
    • Every country is unique and has it's problems and issues. Same here, no regrets.
    • 👍👍👍 +1
    • 据说这首曲子的旋律源自苏联国歌,美国佬诚会玩儿,苏联国歌有谁还记得,这首曲子倒是现在还流行,借俄乌战争,送给乌克兰人民。 +1
      • 我记得,91年苏联解体前,莫斯科广播电台彻夜播放《牢不可破的联盟》,也就是苏联国歌,我个人以为,苏联国歌是全世界最棒的国歌,没有之一。我那时读高中,每天晚上听短波,法国,德国,澳大利亚,BBC,VOA,加拿大广播电台(Radio Canada),我的英文就是跟BBC和VOA学的 +1
    • 说不后悔也是有点吧。我很多朋友来到加拿大,工作不错,房子买了,小孩也出息,生活优越,但是总是有点不甘心,跑出来就是平平淡淡的话着,没啥意思。
      • 有些人以为留在中国就可以解放全人类 +2
        • 总想着自己留在国内能成为马云马化腾,不小心进了监狱,明眼人知道那边机会更高 +2
          • 理解不了能自主请律师的重要性的人理解不了你说这句话 +2
            • 大部分人没钱自主请律师 +1
              • 希望你的所有亲朋好友都已经移民了 +1
                • 我的亲朋好友没有打官司的,讼棍们没油水捞;至多离婚,根本不需要律师。不像北美,哪怕离个婚都得脱层皮 +1
                  • 希望你在挂掉之前,你的亲朋好友都碰不上冤假错案,你就可以继续去那边吹牛 +1
                    • 希望你在挂掉之前,你的亲朋好友天天都碰上冤假错案,反正有你这么个大律师 +1
                      • 我发的旧贴你看到了的,没有我,村里的农民工过年前拿不到工资 +1
                        • 真会吹,那是中央三令五申不准拖欠农民工工资;哪怕是单位跑路,也由地方政府垫付 +1
                          • 既然这么厉害,为啥需要三令五申?一个文件难道不够?旧贴都在,你还是说我的帖子图片都是自己伪造的比较釜底抽薪。 +2
                            • 你在搞笑吗? 中央要三令五申,你在多伦多一个电邮就搞定;你吹牛能有点边吗? +1
                              • 给你说过了,不是电邮。是你伟大祖国最高法院公众号,可以直接向各省高级法院院长投诉,法官怕这个,也怕农民工去法院静坐。 +1
                                • 全是你吹牛,有你没你农民工都能拿到工资。一边吹律师多牛,一边骂中国的法制,不要太搞笑了 +1
                                  • 给你发过一次,你可以继续看不见,但还是说我是伪造图片比较釜底抽薪,(#15941492@0 +1
                                    • 没说你伪造,是说有你没你一个样。现在全国的农民工很少有欠薪的新闻 +1
                                      • 钱肯定能拿回来,但不是春节前,而农民工过年要拿钱回家过年。是不是这样自己看帖子,除非你认为我是伪造的,那没啥可说的 +1



                                        • 你可以继续吹,那是你的自由。中国有那么多上访的,看看你能不能帮到他们一点点 +1
                                          • 我没有你们那么博爱,但也没有那么犬儒,我只帮我身边的人,帮到一个算一个。对了,我的帖子是吹牛吗,是造谣吗,是伪造向政府举报吗 +1
                                            • 你不是很牛吗? 动动手指敲敲键盘去帮助那些上访者;你很自私不帮,还有其他律师帮助,解决问题了吗? +1
                                              • 可以把我自吹很牛的帖子翻出来啊?帮了,不一定能解决所有的问题,但也不是一个都解决不了?因为不能解决所有的,所以就不帮,不要律师,是这样吗?码农不学逻辑? +1
                                                • 你一直在大吹特吹,无限夸大你的作用。“没有我,村里的农民工过年前拿不到工资 -songc(沽名钓誉装的高华哥); 06:19” +1
                                                  • 这个是吹牛?你没看上面的帖子?还是你认为是我伪造的?如果你认为我是伪造的我认输。 +1
                                                    • 开始撒泼打滚了,我说过你伪造吗?我说的很清楚,你一直在大吹特吹,无限夸大你的作用。 +1
                                                      • 好吧,我承认我是伪造的,其实我就是个死不认错的杠精,ai +1
                                                        • 主要特点是吹,杠是第二;LOL +1
                                                          • 我IT技术真不是吹,你看那些图片,p得跟真的一样,没准都能做码农了😎 +1
              • 我大学的一个校友十几年前就做了厅长,牛吧,但今年被双规了,他没钱请律师吗?肯定不是,是没办法请律师
          • 机会高,相应的风险也高,如同玩股票
      • 说得好像留在国内就能干出大事似的😄 +6
        • 留在国内翻墙被抓请不了律师省钱,至于上央视认罪悔罪不够级别,能不能上村里小广播可以考虑 +2
          • 在中国律师能有多大作用? +1
            • 去微博上了解一下很难吗?加拿大上不了微博? +1
              • 别人不知道,你正好忽悠 +1
                • 肉脸很多网友都会上微博 +1
                  • 不要管这些,照样忽悠 +1