


The father of the 13-year-old girl killed in a Burnaby, B.C., park in 2017 recounted the harrowing ordeal of losing his daughter in front of a packed courtroom at B.C. Supreme Court, where Ibrahim Ali was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 这个是不是杀小雨的那个罪犯,判了终身监禁,他竟然说他没杀他,他没去那个公园,可恶的罪恶的杀人犯,土豆放进来的。 +5
    The father of the 13-year-old girl killed in a Burnaby, B.C., park in 2017 recounted the harrowing ordeal of losing his daughter in front of a packed courtroom at B.C. Supreme Court, where Ibrahim Ali was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years.
    • There is a publication ban to share her name. +2
      • 很奇怪的Ban, 不懂什么法律
        • 估计是有人要求的
    • 看情节应该是小雨那个案子,那个罪犯判了无期,真是罪有应得。 +1
    • 就是那个案件,无耻的罪犯,最无耻的是他的律师,尽然说有可能是女孩自愿。。。愿女孩安息 +4
      • 无良律师遭天谴 +5
    • 有请愿恢复死刑的地方吗?我去签名。 +3
    • 滚回自己的国家去!记得加拿大凡是有犯罪记录的移民都会让他们滚蛋。很多国家的生活质量都远远不如加拿大的监狱,应该让他们滚回去。 +4
      • 他在杀死受害者后几个月就获得了PR身份。从居住时间上看,他早就可以申请入籍吧? +1
        • 小土豆刚改了新例,一进来就PR。 +2
    • 命贵死一个,畜瘟忙不迭去下跪,华人女孩被杀,好像他什么表示也没有。 +2
      • 有表示,它笑了 +5