


The jury has reached a verdict in Donald Trump's hush money criminal trial in New York. Follow here for the latest live news updates, analysis and more.

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 大批警车已经聚集在纽约法院外面,只等法官宣判将疑犯特某普押送监狱 +1
    The jury has reached a verdict in Donald Trump's hush money criminal trial in New York. Follow here for the latest live news updates, analysis and more.
    • 我有些担心TRUMP的人身安全。虽然他有 Secret Services 的保护,但是 who knows whether the SS was compromised by Democrats or not. +3
      • Yeah. FBI has a written plan to assassinate him.
      • 被判有罪,就安全了。他们不用逃跑了
    • 问题:如果小普判刑,还能不能参选?如果能,选上后是在监狱办公呢还是办公室加钢窗呢?
      • yes he can still run for the presidency and act, if elected, as the 47th president. its very unlikely he actually be put in a prison.cell +2
        • 当上总统后就可以特赦自己吧。
          • 不需要。这种政治官司,高院能够解决。
          • No he cannot because he is convicted in the state of New York. The hush money case was not a federal case. +1
          • 不可以。
          • 这个案子高院不能插手,不过川普也可以让红州起诉拜登,双方来个监狱风云,巅峰对决
    • 为啥要大批警车?大批是几辆?
    • 川普是明显的轻罪重罚,但是也显得川普水平太次,被人随意拿捏,
      • 啥罪也没有,都是捏造出来的。 国会议长都专门出庭打气,还能咋样? +4
        • 嫖娼走竞选的账,罪名是确凿的,但本来是芝麻大点的事被搞这么大
          • 这是哪跟哪。该案的基本点是,检方认为律师费必须走竞选的账。
            • 你是不是没看过案件,,
              • 我相信我看的非常全面。
                • 那你怎么说没看懂,川普的罪名就是,嫖娼的13w美元让律师先垫付,然后走大选的法律费用偿还 +1
                  • Where did you get such false information? Totally false.
                    • CNN news

                      CNN —

                      Jurors have reached a guilty verdict on all of former President Donald Trump’s charges in his hush money criminal trial — 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election.

                      • 你给的链接没提这些基本事实: 川普对律师给艳星钱不知情;律师一直从川普领钱;川普付律师的钱按法律费用报账。你全弄错了。
                        • 那是辩方观点,很不幸的是,陪审团不这么看。 +1
      • 没有吧,陪审团一致裁定。 +1
    • 老川就不能把哪个白眼圈TANNING一下?一副天天戴着墨镜打高尔夫的表情,太脱离劳苦大众了。 +1
      • 美加劳苦大众打高尔夫的,无非是场地配置不同
    • 美国政坛进入多事之秋时,比较容易发生针对首脑人物的刺杀事件,安保压力山大.....
      • RFK Jr. 比较危险。他一直要求保安服务,败丁不给。 +1
        • 如果只剩一个候选人是否自动当选?