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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


莊也脫口秀:#加拿大移民, #加拿大印度裔, #加拿大印度移民加入會員請點擊連結:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2156EYYNhiZXFFbw8uVOQw/join1. **引言**: 視頻開始提出了加拿大大規模接收印度移民的問題,引發觀眾對加拿大移民政策的關注和討論。2....

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 為何印度人能輕鬆移民,而華人就那麼難?揭秘加拿大移民規則背後的巨大漏洞!莊也雜談加拿大
    莊也脫口秀:#加拿大移民, #加拿大印度裔, #加拿大印度移民加入會員請點擊連結:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2156EYYNhiZXFFbw8uVOQw/join1. **引言**: 視頻開始提出了加拿大大規模接收印度移民的問題,引發觀眾對加拿大移民政策的關注和討論。2....
    • 一年近50万的目标额度,除了印度,还有哪里呢?设立族裔上限,可能只能多收难民,或者大幅降低其它国家的标准。中国移民人数少的主要原因还是移民意愿远低于印度。
      • 一年只能消化22Wz左右,直接增长一倍,所以租房价格直线飙升。现在租房价格还在飙升。加拿大人自己都吃不消了。看到reddit上一个本地人说,我很同意他说的,加拿大不是想办法鼓励国民多生,就只知道引进不符合要求的外国人,让他们来读书,然后让他么转空子留下来。

        I’m so tired of this shit. I’m so tired of being meant to feel that having an opinion about who’s coming to Canada makes me an automatic racist. People who have been here for generations have a right to be critical of who’s coming to this country and what they want to contribute to making it better. The fact that the volume of Indian Foreign students who are trying to take advantage of a loophole to get permanent residence is obvious at this point. I have no issue with immigration. In fact I think immigration is an important part of our economy. With that said, the only reason that we need to resort to mass immigration is because our government has made it nearly impossible to raise a family of more than one child. We need to start focussing on domestic policy to promote Canadian prosperity encourage Canadians to have children and grow this country with existing Canadians and permanent residence.

        By myself as a father of four I’m doing my part in breeding future taxpayers. But too many other Canadians are doing nothing to help re-populate this country and support the expansion of the labour force.

        Stat can indicated that by 2030 100% of Canada’s net Labour growth will be supported through immigration. This is a perfect example of how birth rates directly impact domestic economic success.

        Forced import labour growth, and forced to allow people who may or may not meet qualifications or labour market into the country to study, then abuse, our system, and loophole in the permanent resident process to stay and contribute nothing to this country.

        It’s getting to the point where I feel like a minority in my own community because nobody is like me or has the same moral values ethics as me, has the same community integration or desire to be part of Canada.

        Don’t get me wrong. This country was built on immigration and will continue to rely and immigration. Many people people have come from all over the world to make Canada a great country and I have no problem with these people. The people who I do have a problem with are those looking to come and exploit our system exploit our economy , exploit our kindness in welcome them to be part of this country just so they can get what they want out of our system.

        I work too hard and pay for too many taxes for people to be coming over and getting free handouts and exploiting a system that my money helped build.

        I just think the liberals need to start thinking to the future instead of reacting to an immediate problem.

        • 非常同意50万的目标远超加拿大承受能力。而且,随着高科技的突破发展,大量移民来填补劳动力短缺的国策需要重新审视。我觉得更好的出路是为高科技产业提供大量优惠政策。
    • 印度人兼具了聪明才智和民主精神。人家来也是给加拿大面子了。