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Columbia Protest Leader Ms. "King-Slutsky" is Hilarious, Ridiculous Character, with The Fifth Column
Megyn Kelly is joined by Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch, hosts of The Fifth Column podcast, to discuss the irony of Ivy League students deman...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 哥伦比亚大学的代表“King-Slutsky”的声明,从她的名字到说话,把几位主持人笑得前俯后仰,难以置信这些把大学掀翻的包头巾学生竟是如此可笑! +2
    Columbia Protest Leader Ms. "King-Slutsky" is Hilarious, Ridiculous Character, with The Fifth Column
    Megyn Kelly is joined by Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch, hosts of The Fifth Column podcast, to discuss the irony of Ivy League students deman...
    • sexy name. +1
      • 后面还站着一个包头巾哈马斯男,露肚脐装,一脸呆萌,笑死了!
        • gay 哈马斯。 +2
          • 我也看了好几遍,每一次也是被逗得笑个不停。
    • 职业activist, from her biography website : "political strategist for leftist and progressive causes and remain active in the higher education labor movement." +2
      • 不少这样的,这位女教授更搞笑,不断对警察解释说,我是教授,警察二话不说,扳倒在地,给双手戴上手表,这时,她开始大嚎打滚,一个警察一扛,这女教授还在空中蹬着腿就被扛走得。 +2
        Lefties losing it: Sky News host reacts to 'hilarious' footage of professor getting arrested
        Sky News host Rita Panahi has reacted to footage of university professors getting themselves “arrested in hilarious ways”. Ms Panahi blasted an economics pro...
    • 有个新闻说了一个公司的名字,crowds on demand,他自己说双方都求助于他。 +1
    • 感觉这次犹太人挖了很多坑,专门等这些人掉进去, +2
      • 没啥坑,哈马斯在卡塔尔也不少钱,挖坑说从来不成立,只会给胡来的人找替罪羊。闹剧该收场了,很多人激烈地入戏,都不知道自己在干什么,喊什么,记者问一下,不是一问三不知就是暴力恐吓,蒙脸戴口罩,人更容易扔掉文明肆意妄为。 +3
    • 这次运动背后有个亿万富翁支持,他是Neville Roy Singham,他妈是古巴人,他爸是斯里兰卡人,他老婆Jodie Evans是美国工会活动家,共产主义者。他和他老婆定居上海,是中共习主席的座上客。
      The pro-Palestinian protests over the last month are funded in large part by an uber-wealthy American-born tech entrepreneur, Neville Roy Singham, and his wife, Jodie Evans.