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Russian police have cut the ear off a suspect and made him eat it, on camera and posted it online...because, this is the stuff that Russians do. 



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 这个照片显示,俄罗斯人把恐怖分子嫌疑犯的耳朵割下来,让他自己吃进肚子里头。

    Russian police have cut the ear off a suspect and made him eat it, on camera and posted it online...because, this is the stuff that Russians do. 


    • 俄罗斯警察和恐怖份子一样恐怖? +1
    • 老毛子不是文明人。二战时轴心国士兵宁愿向西方国家投降,也不愿意向老毛子投降,他们不是人 +1