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Spies for China's Communist Party could have your data
China’s authoritarian government is quietly developing artificial intelligence designed to conquer and control not just its own citizens, but the West as wel...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 澳大利亚60分钟:中共如何窃取和收集你的个人信息。 +3
    Spies for China's Communist Party could have your data
    China’s authoritarian government is quietly developing artificial intelligence designed to conquer and control not just its own citizens, but the West as wel...
    • 袋鼠的哭泣。当年罪犯流放的后裔,天然不喜欢监控。也许换英国人监视他们就开心了。抖音没有明显的内容审核
      • 他说收集信息,你说内容审核,他说前门楼子,你说胯骨轴子 +6
      • 大家都是大陆来得,你是把别人当傻子吗? +6